
Calendar Challenge to Get Motivation to Fight Your BFRB

Have you ever tracked your dermatillomania, trichotillomania, or nail-biting? I did that with the “calendar challenge” even before knowing the term BFRB. 

I had no idea what I was doing, but I was so fed up with not being able to control the picking and causing spots on my skin.

Little did I know then that tracking my body-focused repetitive behaviors would become a big part of my future and my BFRB recovery.

With the calendar, I challenged myself not to pick at my skin in the bathroom—one of my main trigger locations.

For this challenge, I drew a small calendar on paper and attached it to the bathroom mirror.

I used to start the calendar challenge whenever I felt like starting a new fight. I wasn’t waiting for a new week or month to start.

Lately, I’ve also been using the calendar challenge to track my period, breakouts, or use of certain skincare products.

It helps me identify patterns and prepare myself mentally for the next time hormones affect my mood and skin—that’s when my urge to pick increases.

Set small goals and celebrate small victories

Smaller goals for this challenge will yield better results. If you only focus on one trigger location or body part, the challenge will be easier to complete.

  • Focus on just one body part/area
    People often have different areas that they pick, pull, or bite, which can be overwhelming. So, try to focus on just one body part. For example, if your goal is to focus on not picking your face, and you managed to do that, you can still check the box on the calendar even though you picked your arms or legs.
  • Focus on only one trigger location 
    Another option is to decide on a location where you want to try not to engage in your BFRB. For example, if your challenge is not to bite your nails in the car, check the box if you succeed and celebrate!

Experiment with what works best for you. Maybe even combine both options! I do this – I mainly use the calendar challenge on my face (body part) in the bathroom (location).

  • Divide the day into three parts

The calendar challenge can be difficult and daunting, even if we only focus on one body area or location. If that’s the case, simply break the day into three parts—morning, day, and evening. You might be able to cross out some more wins this way!

After you set the rules for yourself, take it one day at a time. It’s about fighting the small fights to win the battle.

Be proud and celebrate every little win!! That motivates you to keep going.

BFRB coping methods to support the calendar challenge

When I first did this challenge, not knowing the term BFRB, my attempts to be “pick-free” were not very successful. I didn’t understand why I could not NOT pick.

But now, after developing some BFRB methods, I find the calendar challenge more doable. 

My favorite BFRB coping methods for the challenge are: 

Be kind and patient with yourself

I used to get very upset and disappointed myself if I had too many unchecked squares. I felt defeated and angry. Unfortunately, setbacks are part and parcel of BFRB’s recovery. There is no way just to stop a BFRB!

So, let’s be more compassionate with ourselves. It’s about recovery—one day at a time and one BFRB at a time. You can end the calendar challenge anytime and just try again later!

Coping Cards

Look Into My Eyes

The bathroom is a colossal Dermatillomania trap for me. As soon as I stand in front of the mirror, I look for flaws on my face. Most of the time, I have my two or three favorite spots that I over-investigate.

I try very hard to focus on my eyes instead of my scabs and pimples. “Out of sight, out of mind” is my strategy here. I hope that if I don’t see the blemishes, I don’t feel the urge to pick them. It works, at least sometimes …

This BFRB Coping Statement is inspired by the magician from Little Britain who hypnotizes people by saying: “Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don’t look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you’re under.” Does it mean I’m trying to hypnotize myself?

Anyway … I hope this coping card will help you a bit the next time you stand in front of the mirror! Fingers crossed 🙂

Coping Cards

You Know You Can’t Stop if You Squeeze Just a Tiny Bit

Do you know the feeling of losing control of not being able to stop squeezing out all the things – from the giant pimple to the tiniest blemish. The feeling of being deep in the zone? I hate it when this happens to me. It almost always starts the same way. 

I just want to check this one point. Then I just squeeze a tiny bit to see if something comes out. Then I try a little harder until the first layer of skin comes off. If nothing comes out of that one spot, I’ll quickly move on to the next one. 

Almost like in a little panic or a rush because I know I shouldn’t pick my skin. But before I can stop, I squeeze as many pimples or blemishes as possible. Getting something out of my skin just feels so rewarding. 

It becomes incredibly frustrating when I pick the same spot for months or when I start “operating” with the needle. Excuse me if I elaborate on that here, but I think you know or can relate to what I am talking about here.

To not get caught in the check/pick/heal/repeat spiral, I try everything so as not to squeeze even a tiny bit. To do just that, I need all the BFRB tricks, especially in the bathroom. 

Dimming the bathroom lights has helped me a lot to not see blemishes. Also, placing this coping statement on my bathroom mirror is a great reminder to stay strong against my urges and not to even start picking my skin. Other than that, I try to avoid looking closely at my skin and try to keep my finger busy, so they don’t wander around looking for any bumps.  


Place Coping Statements at Your BFRB Trigger Locations

Placing BFRB coping statements and reminders at my trigger locations was one of the first steps in my BFRB healing journey.

I need reminders and positive encouragement quotes to control my BFRBs. I worry that if I don’t deal with them regularly, I’ll quickly slip into old patterns of picking and biting without realizing it.

As a hobby and self-therapy, I began drawing BFRB coping reminders and used them to decorate my trigger locations. 

My two main trigger locations are the bathroom and my work desk. So, I placed a hand-lettered quote on my bathroom mirror and another on the computer monitor. 

I know that our dermatillomania, trichotillomania, or onychophagia (nail-biting) are not limited to places. Unfortunately, the triggers and stressors that cause our BFRBs are omnipresent. 

However, adding helpful and visually pleasing reminders to the key trigger locations is already a good start to creating awareness and potentially preventing the urge to pick, scratch, and bite.

After all, scars, scabs, and burning skin are the wrong reminders. We need help before we do the damage.

Check out the Coping Cards section on my website for other coping statements.

Do you know your main trigger locations?

My BFRB Coping reminder on the bathroom mirror.
Coping Cards

Skin Picking Makes My Skin Less Healthy

I think we all know and agree that skin picking makes our skin less smooth and less healthy.

Nevertheless, we pick scratch and bite, intending to smooth out our skin. I personally find it rewarding and soothing when I remove a scab or pop a pimple. Again and again and again … 

My fingers and eyes are always looking for the slightest imperfections on my skin. I tell myself that getting rid of blemishes will speed up the healing process, and then my skin will finally look good.

It is such a paradox because my skin looks worse after I’ve tried to make it better. When I see the damage I’ve done, I feel angry with myself, defeated and helpless. And the healing process feels like it takes forever.

This BFRB coping statement helps me remind myself that blemishes heal faster when I leave them alone and let them heal naturally.